Monday, 7 June 2010

Introducing Active and European Volunteer Service in our Swedish course

Just few hours after arriving from Iceland, during the lunch break on Monday, we were talking with Sanja about our Swedsih course.

Sanja: "And you know, on Wednesday we have this talking lesson with all the Swedish groups."
Me: "mhm"
Sanja: "So, Margareta asked me that could I talk about Active...would you also want to talk with me?"
Me: "mhm of was your weekend anyw....WAIT...You mean like that we are the performers, 1,5 hour in front of the people and talking in Swedish all this time ???
Sanja: "Yes."
Me: "HMMM...Ok. I have already some ideas:) Alari stands there with the flag and we cover him with the stickers"

So, on Wednesday we went to our language class half an hour before the class starts. and15 minutes of it we were trying to hang up the Active flag - we were successfully pulling down one curtain holder during this progress and almost destroyed some flowers during the progress. In the end we used successfully the combiantion of coat racks and TV + "Content matters" booklets to ensure all construction. We had prepared a small test with multiply answer choices. So, we created 2 teams which started answering questions based on the facts from the "Content matters" booklet. Teams used their logical thinking and got successfully 5-6 correct answers from 8. As an award, they got the same booklets with information.After the small test, Sanja presented Active, our vision and aims - that ended up with a lot of questions by the listeners, they were especially interested in our EVS project, so we explained them also how is it possible to become an EVS voluneer, that they could consider participating in this project in the future.

After Sanja's presentation came Janika's. The one had a lot of photos, some text and loads of Active spirit. We finished the evening with the "Global hangover" movie and gave out any kind of materials about Active.

It was somehow strange to be in front of the class and talk in Swedish, but it was fun.
Alari commented Sanja's presentation like this: "She was talking like a real Swedish person." Maybe the reason of the comment was that Alari was sitting there 1,5 hours, understanding almost nothing, but maybe not.

Anyways, thank You Margareta for this opportunity:)



  1. Var snälla och hälsä på Margareta! Hon är fantastisk! Oh, and good job, guys! :)

  2. Ahhhh yes, Margareta is wonderfull! It was very nice experience to present Active on swedish.. =)
