After 15 years of non-stop school times I could not even imagine that I would enjoy studying. That's why I made a break. So, when I came to Sweden, I could not imagine that one of my favorite things here (next to the football trainings of course) could be sitting in the class and learning Swedish. The more suprising is that I have actually learnt some.
The classes were interesting due to very interational group that we had, people from Australia, Russia, South Africa and so on and also the teacher was from Brazil.
So, on Saturday we had our last meeting at the caffe owned by one of the students, Valda and we were having good time with the Swedish language...
My and Sanja's life is much more emptier without the class. On Monday we were already missing the homework:)
Vad roligt att ni gillade våra lektioner! Vi hade verkligen en trevlig grupp och roliga träffar både på FU och hos Vanda. Jag saknar också er. Det blev tomt när det blev sommar och lov. Hoppas ni får ett fortsatt bra år! Jätte kram från
(Nu får du översätta detta till engelska på blogen. ;))